Логотип КАЗТЕСТ JPEG.jpg

Kazakh language knowledge level assessment system KAZTEST

KAZTEST system was established in 2006 on the base of National testing center in the aim of assessing Kazakh language level of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreigners operating in the territory of Kazakhstan.

KAZTEST is a home system of Kazakh language knowledge level assessment in accordance with the principles and requirements of international systems of language knowledge assessment such as TOEFL, IELTS (English language proficiency assessment systems), TÖMER (Turkish language proficiency assessment systemand TORFL (Russian language proficiency assessment system).

Content structure of KAZTEST includes 4 blocks:

Listening – 30 test items to dialogues and monologues;

Lexical-grammatical structure - 70 items to test grammar and lexis usage;

Reading – 50 items to texts of different content and style;

Writing – writing dictation, reproduction of the given text and essay according to the levels of Kazakh language knowledge. Number of tasks varies from 2 to 4.

The development of test items is based on the protocol decision of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan 24-5\007-321 dated from October 3, 2005 "On establishing a system for assessing Kazakh language proficiency level and creating corresponding teaching methodology".

KAZTEST activity lines are test design, application of them in Kazakh language competence level assessment, administration of testing. Meantime test database has been formed for assessing and diagnosing language competence of test-takers. Currently more than 100 thousand test items designed on KAZTEST system by specialists in the field of testology.  Content of the test items are regulated by National standards identifying the requirements to Kazakh language competence level (SТ RК 1926-2015, SТ RК 1928-2015, SТ RК 1927-2015, SТ RК 1925-2015, SТ RК 1929-2015).

In the aim of increasing the requirements for test designers and experts, since 2017, designers and experts are selected on competitive basis. National testing center conducts advanced training seminars regularly for test designers and experts. Over the past 3 years for above-mentioned specialists held courses the specialists of TORFL center, famous testologist V. S. Avanesov, professor of the Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov, Director of the TÖMER center Nezir Temur, Turkish Republic (Central teaching, research and practice center of Turkish language), professor  of "Nazarbayev University", doctor of Philology Z. Kuzekova, professor of the Suleyman Demirel University, doctor of Philology M. Zholshaeva.


 KAZTEST testing operates under the next regulatory acts:

State program on realization of language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025;

National standards identifying requirements to Kazakh language competence levels;

Technology in KAZTEST testing.

According to the State program for the development and functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan   for   2011-2019 KAZTEST system was identified as a mechanism of target indicator for incremental increase of citizens’ share who know Kazakh language.   

Since 2019, according to the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan 808 dated from December 7, 2018 "On implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on the Republican budget for 2019-2021" Kazakh language knowledge level assessment of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan" KAZTEST considered as a government order.

Testing statistics of the last 3 years show that following number of test-takers participated in KAZTEST testing: in 2016 – 73 732 test-takers, in 2017 – 94 578 test-takers, in 2018 – 73 341.

KAZTEST testing is obligatory for the next population types:

applicants to personnel reserve for administrative public service of corpus A;

- applicants for international scholarship «Bolashak»;

- teachers of АОE «Nazarbyaev Intellectual Schools»;

- applicants to the Academy of the National Security Committee of Republic of Kazakhstan;

- schoolchildren of international «Haileybury-Astana», «Haileybury-Almaty» schools.

 Scientific-methodical work

In addition to assessment National testing center leads scientific-methodical works on designing text-books for teaching and learning Kazakh on methodology of teaching Kazakh as foreign language.

In the aim of realizing the State program of developing and functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan   for   2011-2019 during the period of 2011-2018 on the model of continuing education based on «Teaching Kazakh as foreign and as a second language» methodology were published 5 leveled text-books of teaching Kazakh language, teaching aids for the preparation to KAZTEST testing with involving teachers and scientists of  Nazarbayev University, Kazakh national Pedagogical University named after Abay, experienced linguists of  international «Haileybury» schools.

For the first time formed and published lexical minimums according to the levels of Kazakh language competence for adult population, in other words minimal vocabulary stock of words and collocations.

Standard program was designed based on National standards with the Kazakh language teacher’s involvement at regional language teaching centers of the republic. These works led to form standard methodology of teaching adult population to state language and standard technology of language assessment.

Currently all language centers of the republic are teaching their language learners with the methodology based on KAZTEST system.

Budapest University named after A. Mickiewicza in Poland also teach their students on this methodology. 

KAZTEST have designed and published 26 teaching aids until present time.

 International cooperation

In the aim of increasing KAZTEST system to the level of international language assessment systems National testing center cooperates with organizations such as ETS Global, TÖMER, TORFL center at Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov and international «Haileybury» schools. 


Informational materials

Информационные материалы

Computer testing of KAZTEST system




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