National Testing Center

The Republican State Enterprise "National Testing Center" of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as NTC) was created in 1992.

The mission of the National Testing Centre is the organizational and technological support of the procedures carried out under the National System of Education Quality Assessment.

The main purpose of the NTC is to organize all types of external examinations as well as monitoring in the education system of Kazakhstan, formation of test database for them. The main activities include:

  • - Unified National Testing,

  • - Complex testing of applicants

  • - External assessment of educational achievements in the organization of higher and secondary education,

  • - Complex testing of students under the state certification of educational organizations,

  • - Qualification testing of teachers,

  • - Entrance examinations in foreign languages to master's and doctoral studies,

  • - Assessment of the level of the Kazakh language proficiency under KAZTEST system.

One of the most important activities of the NTC is the organization of the formation of the item database for all the activities mentioned above. While formation the database of the items, the requirements on the mandatory passing the stages of test item production are satisfied:

1. Training the test developers and experts;

2. Approval of the specification;

3. Development of test items;

4. Expert review of items;

5. Approbation of items;

6. Adding the test items in the database.

Informational materials

Информационные материалы

Computer testing of KAZTEST system




проспект Победы, 60

Телефон / факс:
  • +7 (7172) 51 83 10
  • +7 (7172) 51 83 06
  • +7 (7172) 27 92 19
  • +7 (7172) 27 92 18
Электронная почта:
