Testing on the KAZTEST system involves two stages:

Stage I - diagnostic testing

This test aims to determine the level of Kazakh language knowledge. The test consists of 150 closed-form test items in Listening, Lexical-grammatical structure and Reading blocks.


Test results are determined according to the scale above. Test result – reference.


Stage II -  testing for certification

Testing Kazakh language proficiency level is assessed on Listening, Lexical-grammatical structure, Reading and Writing.

It is necessary to score threshold points for each type of speech activity - 60%.

Test result – certificate.

Written work assessed in accordance with the levels of language knowledge, Test specification requirements indicated in the "Writing" block, Rules of checking the written work of KAZTEST system. Types of writing according to the levels:

elementary, pre-intermediate - creative dictation;

intermediate and upper-intermediate - reproduction of the text;

advanced level – essay.

Informational materials

Информационные материалы

Computer testing of KAZTEST system




проспект Победы, 60

Телефон / факс:
  • +7 (7172) 51 83 10
  • +7 (7172) 51 83 06
  • +7 (7172) 27 92 19
  • +7 (7172) 27 92 18
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