Since definition of the concept of KAZTEST system development a separate sector started to function in National testing center, the main function of which was organizing formation of test database for KAZTEST system.

In 2008, after approval of the concept by Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State language development department was established in National testing center for implementation and development of KAZTEST system, which aimed to implement and develop KAZTEST system to achieve the concept goals and objectives.

KAZTEST system development department, along with the test formation, organizes research activities to improve the quality of test items, organizes approbation of test items, campaigning and ensure the availability of information about KAZTEST system as a mechanism that provides direct influence on language policy in the country, conducts scientific research in order to improve the system, participates in analysis and consideration of the issue in scientific community, defines conditions that contribute to the improvement of effective teaching methods of Kazakh language, with the principles of education focusing on result. KAZTEST organizes and fulfills these activities as a key mechanism in the development and usage of languages in the republic.

The KAZTEST system development department includes two scientific-methodological laboratories and information supporting branch. The scientific-methodological laboratory for formation of test tasks is responsible for forming high-quality test tasks used for KAZTEST, and the scientific-methodological laboratory for organization of testing arranges the procedure of reviewing the correspondence of test content to their purpose.


The scientific-methodological laboratory for the formation of test tasks is engaged in scientific and methodological research in the area of education quality assessment, studying the characteristics of control and measuring materials and assessment, their types, properties, theoretical and practical application, studies tasks for assessing language knowledge and applies international experience in this area.


Experts of the scientific-methodological laboratory, being qualified specialists of Kazakh language constantly increase their qualification, and by performing above mentioned work types become universal specialists in this field.


The scientific- methodological laboratory for the organization of testing, identifying target groups in accordance with the level of Kazakh language proficiency, improves the technology of testing organization, studies the correspondence of test to target audiences, works to improve testing technology by determining statistical properties of each test task, also conducts research to improve the quality test tasks.

Based on studies of international systems assessing language knowledge, specialists of scientific-methodological laboratories develop prerequisites for introducing the basic principles necessary for KAZTEST system.

Informational materials

Информационные материалы

Computer testing of KAZTEST system




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