Study guide
Study guide is intended for preparation for the test of Kazakh language proficiency level assessment. Material on speech activities as listening, reading, writing and lexical-grammatical structure of language, also effective methods and techniques of preparation for examination are offered in the study guide. This edition is one of the structural parts of methodical materials of the system of Kazakh language proficiency level assessment – KAZTEST. The study guide is intended for studying Kazakh language as a foreign, as a second language, for those who prepares for test, for teachers and methodologists, students, and also for laymen, who studies language.
The main objective when learning language is to reach the level, which allows expressing thoughts in this language. In this regard, nowadays one of the leading technique of teaching languages in the world is level teaching, which uses interrelation and uniform system as the most effective way of acquiring types of speech activity. This technique proves that teaching language by means of observance of the principle of arranging training material “from simple to difficult” is the most acceptable and defines the most effective ways of forming language skills. Teaching language on-level system is more deepened, effective methods of teaching English have been developed, numerous educational and methodical study guides of forming language skills of language learner, complexes of tests of English as a foreign have been published. Thus, the testing system for defining language proficiency level as a foreign language, and also educational and methodical study guides intended for independent preparation for testing is of particular importance. As a result of studying, after acquirement of certain skills necessary for a certain level (for example pre-intermediate) a language user can confirm language proficiency at a certain level by passing the examination and getting a certificate, whereas performance of examination tasks promotes improvement of knowledge and language skills.
Such educational and methodical study guides promote formation of language skills of all types of speech activities, offering the analysis of test tasks on such blocks as listening, reading, writing and lexical-grammatical structure of language.
Considering experience of application of the most effective methods for language user, which has been improved for many years, the presented educational and methodical study guide offers a test to check knowledge of language learner and define his level, after the test an explanation of tasks on each block by numerous analyses of the same tasks is given. Thus, these educational and methodical editions, offering the tasks which contents are to be acquired, promote understanding of language structure. After these stages, exercises preparing for tasks are offered.
The tasks help language user to understand specifics of language and to master the created skills.
The block of final test check acquired language skills. Answers to tests on each block are given in the Appendix to study guide that gives the chance to language user to verify answers at each stage. The section of exercises provides use of the book as a workbook. Compact disks with audio recordings of texts are applied to blocks of Listening and Writing that promote correct formation of orthoepic norms of language, remembering task contents and highlights, which are necessary to be paid attention.
At the present stage a wide range of educational and methodical complexes are offered for those who learn Kazakh language: study guides compiled on various techniques, dictionaries and grammatical reference books intended for an assessment of language level, information support and materials of mass media. It is necessary to emphasize that numerous textbooks published for the last 15-20 years, manuals and other lingvo-didactic materials on teaching Kazakh language for foreign-language audience made significant contribution to realization of language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The domestic system of Kazakh language proficiency level assessment – KAZTEST is similar to the international systems. The system of KAZTEST is presented in two directions, first of which assesses digestion of the Kazakh language as foreign, the second, digestion of the Kazakh language as a second language. The test consists of such blocks as listening, reading, writing and lexical-grammatical part. Tasks of each block are made according to the principle “from simple to difficult”. Peculiarities of formation of test tasks are based on the state standards that define requirements to communicative language competences of knowledge of the Kazakh language.
Tasks depending on language proficiency level are directed on formation of language user’s ability to use language in language environment according to requirements of everyday life. The system of KAZTEST allows revealing Kazakh language proficiency levels as elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate and advanced which correspond to international levels of proficiency in language. When passing from one level to another the principle of continuity is observed. At beginner levels simple tasks for a certain subject are given, at higher levels the same subject is offered, but the lexicon and tasks become complicated.
The main feature of the offered educational and methodical study guide is that it provides analysis of test tasks and final tests on speech activities as listening, reading, writing, and lexical-grammatical structure of language, which promotes formation of language skills.
To achieve elementary level (A1) of Kazakh language proficiency 100-120 class periods are allowed, pre-intermediate (A2) – 180-200 class periods, intermediate (B1) – 220-240 class periods, upper-intermediate (B2) – 180-200 class periods, advanced (C1) – 100-120 class periods.
We wish everyone who learns the Kazakh language great success and we hope that our study guide helps you with it!
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