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About lexical minimum for KAZTEST system

    A lexical minimum is provided by KAZTEST system with the aim of helping Kazakh language learners methodically. The lexical minimum is a set of words and word combinations collected accordingly to different communicative situations. The usage of words and word combinations sorted out by levels of Kazakh language acquisition forms vocabulary skills.

An independent examination of lexical minimum projects has been conducted by National Testing Center from 29 till 31March of current year.

The main goal of independent examination is to look over the correspondence of word stock to state standards and accordance of English and Russian equivalents to their meanings.

Lexical minimum projects are made in accordance to requirements grounded on the following standards: elementary level ST of RK 1926-2009, pre-intermediate ST of RK 1928-2009, intermediate ST of RK 1929-2009, upper-intermediate ST of RK 1925-2009, advanced ST of RK 1927-2009.

  • Russian and English equivalents of words and word combinations are suggested.
  • Concentricity system is observed in transferring from one level to another. For example: elementary vocabulary stock used totally in pre-intermediate level, in addition of 30% new words and word combinations.
  • The proposed lexical units are divided by parts of speech.
  • Lexical units are clustered in meaning and in theme groups.
  • Mimimum is supplied with cognitive proverbs introducing national culture, customs and traditions corresponding to each levels.

Following information is about lexical project examination conclusion.

1) Quantity of words and word combinations contain 16905, obtaining all lexical units in project.

Levels contain till examination:

  • elementary – 1570,
  • pre-intermediate –2384,
  • intermediate – 2810,
  • upper-intermediate – 2310,
  • advanced – 5831 words and word combinations.

2) Approximate quantity of units after examination contained:

  • elementary – 1174,
  • pre-intermediate –1730,
  • intermediate – 2100,
  • upper-intermediate – 3500,
  • advanced – 5831 words and word combinations.

Members of independent examination:

1) Mankeeva Zhamal Aytkalykizi – d.p.s, professor.

2) Atabaeva Mereke Satilgankizi - d.p.s, professor.

3) Abdrsilov Erbol Kuralbayuli - d.p.s, professor.

4) Sulkarnaeva Assya Rafailkizi - c.ph.s, docent.

5) Kimanova Lazzat Baydirasilkizi - Ph.Doctor.

As a result of independent examination thematic system of lexical projects completed with words and word combinations. Lexical units are clustered in meaning and in theme groups. The proposed lexical minimum is composed to the requirements of each level of the Kazakh language acquisition. 

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