1. General provisions

1. Definition provided by public services: public service to assess the level of ownership of citizens of the Kazakh language in Kazakhstan on KAZTEST system. This standard uses the following terms and definitions:

1.1 Service - the result of direct interaction between artist and consumer, as well as their own activities to the Executive meeting consumer needs.

1.2 Socio-cultural service - service to meet the spiritual, intellectual needs and to maintain normal functioning of the consumer. Socio-cultural services may include medical services, culture, tourism, education, etc.

1.3 Consumer - the citizen receiving, ordering, or having an intention to obtain or purchase services for personal use.

1.4 Provision of services - an activity executor services necessary to ensure compliance services. The provision of services can be divided into distinct stages.

1.5 Standard for the service - a standard that establishes requirements that must be satisfied service in order to ensure compliance with its purpose.

1.6 Quality of service - service set of characteristics that determine its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs consumers.

1.7 The magazine claims - special journal for recording data on the test, participating in testing.

1.8 Pass the exam - a special form with a photo test, which gives the right to enter into the audience. In the pass number reflected the audience, the date of examination and other data.

1.9 Book-questionnaire - a special examination paper being prepared by the National Center for testing in a strictly confidential environment with which to test brought in blocks of test items.

1.10 Test - system differentiated by the degree of difficulty of tasks specific form and content, allowing effectively to evaluate the structure and level of knowledge and skills tested in a particular domain.

1.11 Test job - minimum component unit of the test, which consists of terms (the issue) and a set of answers to choose from; meets the purity of subject content, logical consistency, the correct format, the requirements of independence, adaptability and efficiency.

1.12 Answer sheet - a special form on which test marks her answers, intended for reading on the scanner to process the results.

1.13 Service field answer sheet - special fields answer sheet, intended to fill the following fields with the title: "Name", "name", "Citizenship," "Country", "Mother Tongue", "Born", "Category" "Variant", etc. In the official answer sheet of the field does not include fields for answers on blocks.

1.14 A copy of the answer sheet - a special form on which test says your answers, intended for self-scoring after the test. Has no legal force.

1.15 Planting list - a list of test with the number of its seats in the audience.

1.16 Leaf distribution options - options correspondence table books, a certain number of questionnaires in the classroom seats.

1.17 Codes of correct answers - a set of indicators of correct answers to all the tests.

1.18 Examination test sheet - a statement in which the officially recorded test results.

1.19 Map analysis of test response - a form which reflects the results of the test responses in blocks.

2. The form of public service to assess the level of ownership of citizens of the Kazakh language in Kazakhstan is partially automated.

3. Assessing the level of ownership of citizens of the Kazakh language in Kazakhstan is carried out based on the following regulatory documents:

1) Articles 7 and 93 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) Articles 4 and 23 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated July 11, 1997;

3) The concept of the language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 4, 1996 № 3186;

4) State program of functioning and language development, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 5, 1998 № 4106;

5) The concept of expanding the operation of the state language, improve its competitiveness in the years 2007-2010, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 21, 2007 № 1122;

6) The concept of development and implementation of KAZTEST, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 835 of September 11, 2008.

4. Public service to assess the level of knowledge of Kazakh language citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides the Republican State Enterprise "National Center for testing," the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the National Testing Center).

Participants in the testing process to assess the level of knowledge of Kazakh language are: Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - MES), the Monitoring Committee of Education and Science, responsible for supervising the conduct testing to assess the level of knowledge of the Kazakh language, the State Commission on the organization and conduct testing to assess the level of knowledge of the Kazakh language, the appeal committee, the medical board.

5. Form completion (result) is provided by the public service:

a) In the event of a fixed total score - a state certificate of a certain level of knowledge of Kazakh language;

b) if the test has not received the total score - indicating the reference points on the block system.

6. The public service is to assess the level of knowledge of citizens of the Kazakh language in Kazakhstan is provided for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens wishing to study or engage in certain activities on its territory.

7. Terms of provision of public services:

1) since the date the consumer the necessary documents for the public service prior to obtaining a certificate / certificates: 35 days;

2) the maximum waiting time to pass the necessary documents - 30 minutes;

3) the maximum waiting time in obtaining the documents - 15 minutes.

8. The public service is to assess the level of knowledge of the Kazakh language is based on payments. The cost of this service varies from 2 to 3 MCI according to the total cost of a test.

9. Place mandatory standards for placement of the public service as a source of information on how to provide public services: Astana, Pobedy, 60, State Enterprise "National Center for testing," MES, .

10. Acceptance of applications is carried out according to the schedule of the National Testing Center:

Monday from 9.00 - 18.00.

Tuesday from 9.00 - 18.00.

Wednesday from 9.00 - 18.00 per hour.

Thursday from 9.00 - 18.00 per hour.

Friday from 9.00 am - 18.00 pm.

Lunch break from 12.30 - 14.00.

11. Assessing the level of ownership of the Kazakh language in specially equipped classrooms, designed to deliver public services and providing comfortable and safe conditions of service.

2. Procedure for the provision of public services


12. To obtain public services to a consumer must submit to the National Testing Center (Astana, Pobedy, 60, office № 1, Office for development of state language, phone 38-25-09), the following documents:

- statement on the provision of public services;

- photocopy of identity document the customer;

- a photocopy of the certificate (if any), confirming a certain level of knowledge of the Kazakh language, issued by the National Testing Centre.

13. The application form issued by the National Center for testing.

14. All required documents shall be deposited in the National Testing Center.

15. After receiving the documents, the National Testing Centre conducted test instruction, issuing instructions for the test. Then issued a pass to an examination in which the dates of obtaining the consumer public service.

16. Testing the system KAZTEST in two phases:

Stage 1 - available tests for determining the total ownership of the Kazakh language by the following scale:


enough points


31-64 points


65-104 points


105-119 points

Above Average

120-134 points


135-145 points

highest level

146-150 points

Stage 2 - tested offered a certain level of test items corresponding to the scale of the overall result of Phase 1. The above steps

16.1 in the following order:

Prior to applying for passing the test must be tested to make a payment in the bank for services rendered. Tested is filled with a receipt indicating the selected service of the National Testing Center, "Evaluation of the Kazakh language in the system KAZTEST" (1 or Stage 2 of the test) and details of the National Center for testing. Payment document (receipt) is when you apply.

consumers who want to know your level of Kazakh language is registered in the National Center for testing, empowered assess the level of ownership of the Kazakh language one way:

1) arrives in person at the National Testing Center at Astana, Pobedy, 60, office № 1, Office for the development of state language. Tested fills the application form, which provides employee of the Office for the development of official language. A sample application form and information about the regulation of the procedure posted on the bulletin board of the National Testing Center.

2) sends the documents and completed application form, a form which is available at National Test Center . Information on the regulation of procedures for assessing the level of ownership of the Kazakh language is also on site.

3) submits a completed application form and other required documents, tel / fax: 69-50-73.

16.2 Preparing to undergo the test, test, wants to get more information about the system KAZTEST arrives at NTC, which can read the description of the contents of each level, the requirements that apply to the testable, test samples and instructions for the test. Preparation for testing is carried out in such forms as individual and group counseling, training courses, pilot test. At the request can be tested at the National Test Center:

- get the necessary consultations;

- take courses to prepare for the test;

- execute (optional on a contractual basis) practice test and get familiar with its results.

16.3 Tested arrives at the venue of the examination within a specified time no later than 1 hour prior to testing. Tested on the exam need to have a negelevye handles with blue or black core. Tested run in the audience one by one. Admission to the examination performed in the presence of an original identity document under test and passes the exam. The National Center for testing shall be identified on the basis of the personality test of identity document. Since the announcement of the exam tested latecomers will not run into the audience. The tested must take place strictly corresponding number in the boarding list. The tested must sign in landing page, thus confirming that sat on the corresponding place.

16.4 Before starting the test to listen to the instructions, if necessary, to ask questions. During the test questions are not allowed. In the room where testing is not allowed to bring textbooks, notebooks, cribs, paper, reference and methodological literature. Mobile phones are disconnected, bags and other items being tested are placed in specially designated areas referred to the National Center for testing.

16.5 Prior to distribution of examination materials tested alerted the National Center for testing that is prohibited:

- change from place to place;

- opened without permission of examination papers;

- to exchange with other examination materials tested;

- use reference books, electronic notebooks, correcting fluid, mobile phones;

- talk, write off the others tested;

- out of audience in the first and last hour of testing (in the rest of the time allowed simultaneous output to two test accompanied by a duty on the corridor).

16.6 issued under test answer sheet and a copy of it, explaining the rules of the exam. The National Center for testing clarifies rules for filling service fields answer sheet. After filling out the service sectors, the National Center for testing in strict accordance with the leaf distribution options, starting with seat number 1, produces hand-books of the questionnaires. After the distribution of books, questionnaires, tested their signature in the list of distribution options. To this end, the distribution list of options passed tested on a "runner", beginning with the place, standing at the top of the list. At this point, should be tested again to verify the number of seats and number of options specified in the list of distribution options, and then enter your name and signature. If testiremuomu got another option, he must immediately inform the employee of the National Center for testing, do not sign up and wait for his decision.

Tested rewrites its version number with books, a questionnaire on the answer sheet, and the book fills in the questionnaire, the cover sheet. When filling in the tested service fields, the National Center Test has the right to give him an explanation for their completion. After filling out the service sectors, the National Center for Testing and Announces writes on the board beginning and ending time of the exam. Since that time, cease all questions and explanations. Tested performs tasks, noting in a book-questionnaire correct answers, fill the fields in blocks of listening comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, reading, in accordance with the correct answer. When filling out an erroneous tested a new answer sheet will be issued. Tested on a mission to block "The Letter" on a special sheet for written assignments.

16.7 During the test runs continuously operating medical commission. If the test during the exam felt ill health to give first aid and call the health care workers, members of the medical board. After examination by medical specialists tested, tested first aid and medical doctor's opinion is made. Based on the conclusion Medical Committees State Commission shall decide on the retake exam.

16.8 An employee of the National Testing Centre should not leave the audience during the exam. In case of violation of the rules being tested at the National Testing Center warns chairman of the state commission. Allocated time to perform tasks in three blocks of 2 hours and 20 minutes to fill out answer sheet for 10 minutes. To block the "Letter" stands from 30 to 50 minutes depending on the level of language (elementary level - 30 minutes, basic and secondary levels - 35 minutes, the level is above average - 45 high - 50 minutes). Tested should be warned about the expiration time for the 30 and 10 minutes before the exam. At any time after testing the last 3 test must also exit from the audience.

16.9 Upon the expiration of time allowed to perform tasks on blocks and fill the exam answer sheet materials (answer sheets and books, questionnaires) shall be tested at the National Center Test, an exam. After the testing examination papers are delivered in a special room of the National Testing Centre. Processing of the results is carried out by the programmer of the National Testing Centre.

16.10 Tested can see the results of the exam on the day of testing within 6 hours of testing at the National Center on the bulletin board or online at the National Center for testing. To evaluate the test takes into account the following:

The system chosen for the test KAZTEST as sufficient edge - 60% of correct answers out of a total number of jobs according to the following table:

Power Test

total number of test questions



number of correct answers, which is enough






18 ​​


Lexico-grammatical unit










In total:





16.11 In assessing the results released two levels, satisfactory and unsatisfactory. To obtain a satisfactory evaluation requires that the number of poluchennnyh points for each block of not less than 60%. In this case, the state certificate issued under test to confirm a certain level of knowledge of Kazakh language (see Appendix 1 ). Certificate of unlimited duration. If the test was an unsatisfactory result, it may take a retest no earlier than 3 months. In this case, given a statement under test passes the test with the number of points on the system unit (see Appendix 2 ). The reference is valid 2 years and may be presented at Re-take.

16.12 National Testing Center within 5 calendar days after the exam gives the tested state certified to a certain level of knowledge of Kazakh language or certificate indicating the score of the blocks of the system. On the availability and timing of issuance of the certificate / certificate you can get information by phone 38-25-09. Help / certificate issued in the case of the personal presence of the test or having a power of attorney at Astana, Pobedy, 60, State Enterprise "National Center for testing," MES, office № 1, Office for the development of state language.

17. The grounds for refusal to receive the public service is a failure to provide the consumer the necessary documents, the rejection of consumer services, lack of consumer on the exam.

3. Principles of

18. Operating principles, which guide the public body in relation to consumer services:

- protection and confidentiality of information about the content of the test documents;

- comprehensive information about the service provided by the state;

- preservation of documents that are being tested had not received in a timely manner;

- прозрачность процедуры оказания услуги;

- обеспечение секретности экзаменационных материалов;

- вежливость сотрудников, оказывающих государственную услугу;

- обеспечение комфортных и безопасных условий в местах проведения экзамена.

4. Результаты работы

19. Тестируемый оценивает качество оказываемой государственной услуги по следующим параметрам:

- доступность информации о процедуре и результатах проведения экзамена по оценке уровня владения казахским языком;

- качество оказания государственной услуги: организация и проведение экзамена по оценке уровня владения казахским языком;

- своевременность оказания государственой услуги: в течение 35 дней после получения пропуска на экзамен;

- корректность тестовых заданий по оценке уровня владения казахским языком;

- соблюдение членами государственной комиссии технологии тестирования и нормативных инструкций по оценке уровня владения казахским языком.

5. Контактная информация

20. Государственный орган, непосредственно оказывающий услугу по оценке уровня владения казахским языком - РГКП «Национальный центр тестирования» Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан, находящийся по адресу: г. Астана, проспект Победы, 60, Управление по развитию государственного языка, кабинет № 1, телефон 38-25-09. Директор Национального центра тестирования: Абдиев Кали Сеилбекович, телефон приемной 31-74-04.

Вышестоящей организацией РГКП «Национальный центр тестирования» Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан является Комитет по контролю в сфере образования и науки Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан, контактные телефоны 8-7172-74-23-69, 74-23-72

Приложение 1



____________ № ______________


удостоверяет, что

Г-н (г-жа) _______________________________________________________


достиг(-ла) _______________ уровня владения казахским языком и показал(а)

следующие результаты по блокам теста:

Блоки Процентные показатели правильных ответов

1. Аудирование _______________________________________

2. Лексика-грамматика _______________________________________

3. Чтение _______________________________________

4. Письмо _______________________________________

5. Говорение _______________________________________

Руководитель организации

_________________________ г. ______________________

___________ ___________ «___» _____________ 200 _ г.

Директор Национального

центра тестирования


____________ ___________


Приложение 2



____________ № ______________


удостоверяет, что

г-н (г-жа) _______________________________________________________


проходил(-а) тестирование по _______________ уровню владения казахским

языком и показал(а) следующие результаты по блокам теста:

Блоки Процентные показатели правильных ответов

1. Аудирование _______________________________________

2. Лексика-грамматика _______________________________________

3. Чтение _______________________________________

4. Письмо _______________________________________

5. Говорение _______________________________________

Руководитель организации

_________________________ г. ______________________

___________ ___________ «___» _____________ 200 _ г.

Директор Национального

центра тестирования


____________ ___________


Приложение 3

Таблица. Значения показателей качества и доступности

Показатели качества и доступности

Нормативное значение показателя

Целевое значение показателя в последующем году

Текущее значение показателя в отчетном году

1. Своевременность

1.1. % (доля) случаев предоставления услуги в установленный срок с момента сдачи документа




1.2. % (доля) потребителей, ожидавших получения услуги в очереди не более 40 минут




2. Качество

2.1. % (доля) потребителей удовлетворенных качеством процесса предоставления услуги




2.2. % (доля) случаев правильно оформленных документов (произведенных начислений, расчетов и т.д.)




3. Доступность

3.1. % (доля) потребителей удовлетворенных качеством и информацией о порядке предоставления услуги




3.2. % (доля) случаев правильно заполненных потребителем документов и сданных с первого раза




3.3. % (доля) услуг, информации о которых доступно через Интернет




4. Процесс обжалования

4.1. % (доля) обоснованных жалоб общему количеству обслуженных потребителей по данному виду услуг




4.2. % (доля) обоснованных жалоб рассмотренных и удовлетворенных в установленный срок




4.3. % (доля) потребителей удовлетворенных существующим порядком обжалования




4.4. % (доля) потребителей, удовлетворенных сроками обжалования




5. Вежливость

5.1. % (доля) потребителей удовлетворенных вежливостью персонала





1. 7 глава Конституции Республики Казахстан;

2. Закон Республики Казахстан «Об образовании» от 11 июля 1997 года № 151;

3. Закон «О техническом регулировании» Республики Казахстан от 9 ноября 2004 года, № 603-II РК;

4. Государственная программа функционирования и развития языков на 2001-2010 годы, утвержденой Указом № 550 от 7 февраля 2001 года Президента Республики Казахстан;

5. Концепции внедрения и развития системы КАЗТЕСТ, утвержденной постановлением Правительства Республики Казахстан от 11 сентября 2008 года № 835.

6. Концепция внедрения и развития системы КАЗТЕСТ, одобренная № 835 постановлением Правительства Республики Казахстан от 11 сентября 2008 года;

7. Порядок разработки государственных стандартов, СТ РК 1.2 – 2002 г., Астана;

8. Правила разработки, согласования, учета, утверждения, экспертизы, изменения, отмены и введения в действие государственных стандартов и классификаторов технико-экономичекой информации, от 4 апреля 2005 года, № 98;

9. «Общие требования к построению, изложению, оформлению, содержанию и обозначению государственных общеобязательных стандартов образования», ПР РК 40.101 – 2008;

10. Типовой стандарт оказания государственной услуги, утвержденный № 558 постановлением Правительства Республики Казахстан от 30 июня 2007 года.

Informational materials

Информационные материалы

Computer testing of KAZTEST system




проспект Победы, 60

Телефон / факс:
  • +7 (7172) 51 83 10
  • +7 (7172) 51 83 06
  • +7 (7172) 27 92 19
  • +7 (7172) 27 92 18
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