Размер шрифта: A A A Цвет сайта Ц Ц Ц Standart version

The Kazakh language as the official language of the Republic of Kazakhstan is used in public administration, legislation, legal proceedings, education, office documentation and operates in all the spheres of social relations on the territory of the state.

Along with this, the Kazakh language possessing the status of the state language has the cultural value for the people of Kazakhstan. Accordingly, it is assumed that citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign nationals working in the legal, economic, scientific, social and other areas on the territory of the state know the Kazakh language at the proper level and in accordance with the requirements for the use of language. 


Informational materials

Информационные материалы

Computer testing of KAZTEST system




проспект Победы, 60

Телефон / факс:
  • +7 (7172) 51 83 10
  • +7 (7172) 51 83 06
  • +7 (7172) 27 92 19
  • +7 (7172) 27 92 18
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