
1. My name

2. My friend

3. Where do you live?

4. Nice to meet you!

5. Do you know?


6. My family

7. My friend’s family

8. Large family

9. Perfect family

10. My friend’s personality

11. Do you know?


12. Breakfast. Dinner

13. In a shop

14. In a restaurant

15. Dastarkhan

16. Do you know?

Good health is above wealth

17. My health

18. Take care of your health from an early age

19. What is harmful?

20. Keep clean

21. Do you know?


22. Casual clothes

23. In a clothing store

24. What is the weather like today? What shall I put on?

25. Clothes emphasizes human beauty

26. Do you know?


27. Rush hour

28. Safe types of transport

29. Time spent on the way

30. Indication of the way

31. Do you know?


32. My specialty

33. My education

34. Мy work

35. My working hours

36. Do you know?

My day

37. Good morning!

38. Good afternoon!

39. Good evening!

40. Do you plan your day?

41. Do you know?


42. Spring weather

43. Summer day

44. Autumn sketch

45. Winter picture

46. Do you know?

Leisure time

47. Day off

48. On the walk

49. On gathering

50. Cultural leisure

51. Do you know?


My Kazakhstan

1. My homeland

2. Astana - City of the Future

3. Almaty – Cultural centre of Kazakhstan

4. My native land – Kazakhstan!

5. Do you know?

Nutrition is one of human needs

6. National dishes

7. My favorite dish

8. Tasty and fast

9. My hospitality

10. Do you know?

Fashion & Style

11. I prefer the white color

12. Cotton clothes

13. Fashionable clothes

14. Do you wear national dress?

15. Do you know?

The future of the country is in the healthy generation

16. Good health is above wealth

17. Fresh air is the basis of good health

18. Health and environment

19. I plant seedlings

20. Do you know?

Travel and Tourism

21. Preparing for trip

22. Traveling by plane

23. Traveling by train

24. Hotel choice

25. Do you know?


26. I make resume (C.V.)

27. I go to the conference

28. My plan for a month

29. I use new technologies

30. Do you know?

We and sport

31. I love sport

32. History of Olympics

33. My favorite sportsman (sportswoman)

34. Types of sport

35. Do you know?

Live and learn

36. Professional education

37. I study at university

38. The “Bolashak” program

39. There is no learning without patience

40. Do you know?


Me and my family

1. Respect in the family

2. Distribution of wages

3. Housekeeping

4. Respect for dastarkhan

5. Do you know?

Quality goods

6. Cotton industrial complex

7. Shoe Factory

8. Domestic goods

9. Consumer’s interests

10. Do you know?

My favorite thing

11. My favorite work

12. My favorite song

13. How often do you go to the cinema?

14. I have many favorite affairs

15. Do you know?

Let the table be lavish!

16. Eat properly

17. Let’s have tea!

18. Food gives man the power

19. Bon appetite!

20. Do you know?

Health of future generations

21. Country's wealth is oil

22. Take care of native land!

23. Dangerous diseases

24. What's good for your health?

25. Do you know?

I choose work

26. Work announcement

27. Preparing for interview

28. I pass the interview

29. I start working

30. Do you know?

The TV program "Zhetі kүn"

31. I regularly watch the channel "Khabar"

32. I like the TV channel "Kazakhstan"

33. I listen to sport news and weather

34. Main news program "Zhetі kүn"

35. Do you know?


Respect in the family

1. Children is joy

2. First child

3. Family budget

4. Perfect family

5. Do you know?

What language do we speak?

6. I speak my mother tongue

7. My documents are in the state language

8. Population service is in the state language

9. I read newspapers and magazines in the state language

10. Do you know?

Bon appetite!

11. I cook by recipes from the cookery-book

12. Relax in the fresh air

13. f order in the restaurant

14. Business meeting in a restaurant

15. Do you know?

Science and my job

16. What can I do?

17. My working day

18. Get a job

19. Technological achievements

20. Do you know?

Travel and Tourism

21. I choose a travel company

22. I write announcement

23. Do you spend a lot of money while traveling?

What does money mean to you?

24. Why don’t men iron their clothes by themselves?

25. Do you know?

In the museum

26. I go to the Central Museum

27. I go and consider the exhibits in the Central Museum

28. I go to the Art Museum named after A. Kasteyev

29. I go and consider the exhibits in the Art Museum named after A. Kasteyev

30. Do you know?

Sport live

31. I play football

32. I play volleyball

33. I play basketball

34. I play tennis and billiards

35. Do you know?

News world

36. Program guide

37. The "Almaty" channel

38. I watch the “Rakhat” channel

39. Do you watch the “El-zhurt” programme?

40. Do you know?


Family, marital happiness

1. Life is empty without love

2. We invite you to toi

3. My son is my future

4. Happy age

5. Do you know?

There is no nation without language

6. The state language is my language.

7. The Kazakh language is the second language after the native one.

8. Can you remember?

9. Four ways to remember.

10. Do you know?

A healthy spirit is in healthy body

11. Health is not valued till sickness comes

12. What is the secret of longevity?

13. Plague of Ages

14. Our health is in our hands

15. Do you know?

My house is my castle

16. We take a mortgage

17. Major repairs of apartments

18. We furnish apartment

19. Come into yurt! Welcome to the place of honor!

20. Do you know?

In free time

21. Are you free?

22. I like go to the theater in my spare time

23. I spend my free time with my family in the park

24. In the world of fantasy

25. Do you know?

TV programs and magazines

26. “Tang kalmanyz” is an interesting program

27. “Kesh kalmangyz”

28. Do you read the “Kazakhstan aielderi”magazine?

29. I find a lot of interesting in the “Zerde” magazine

30. Do you know?


Kazakhstan is my fatherland

1. Kazakhstan is My Republic

2. The administrative system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

3. Land is the country's wealth

4. Native land

5. Do you know?

The Kazakh language is the state language

6. The Scientific Council in the state language

7. On the conference I speak in the state language.

8. I give information in the state language

9. I make a report in the state language

10. Do you know?

Made in Kazakhstan

11. Food Industry

12. Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry

13. Mechanical engineering factories

14. Textile industry

15. Do you know?

I appreciate the arts

16. I listen to opera

17. Concert gives a good mood

18. Abai and Pushkin

19. The art of improvisation

20. Do you know?

Health and Medicine

21. Do you take care of your health?

22. How often do you catch a cold?

23. Would you like to stay young forever?

24. Caffeine and Health

25. Do you know?

Space and the XXI century

26. The first cosmonaut

27. Kazakh cosmonauts

28. Talented young people

29. Demand for technical specialties

30. Do you know? 

Informational materials

Информационные материалы

Computer testing of KAZTEST system




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